X-FlightServer.net will switch to a new Server Version |
28.02.22 |
Today, we will switch to our new server version.
We will start the update about 14:00 MEZ (CET) and it will take about 30 minutes.
X-IvAp not compatible with Vulkan / Metal! |
03.12.20 |
There are various complaints, that X-Plane 11.5X does not show other planes when using X-IvAp and you have Vulkan/ Metal enabled.
This does not work and will not work.
You have two possibilites:
1. Use X-IvAP and keep Vulkan/Metal deactivated
2. Use Swift (which is the better opportunity)
The installation and configuration of Swift is explained in our Forum
Connections with MSFS 2020 are possible now |
23.10.20 |
Since the new version of Swift, you may connect with the new MSFS to our server:
Server Movement today at 12:00 CET |
09.05.20 |
Today we will switch to the new server. You can find the IP in our forum. The server will not be available for about 1h.
X-FlightServer.net has a forum now! |
01.05.20 |
After careful consideration, I decided to install a forum again.
It's online, just take a look in the member menue!
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